We can assure you the uniformity and flawlessness of our product as we own more than 20 mines that provide Quartz, Feldspar and Mica minerals.
This assures consistency and enough supplies for at least 30 years to come!
Right from the process of raw-material collection to artful packing- we have assured the touch of perfection everywhere.
Let us take you on a graphical ride through the site.
Our plant is well planned with roads made of cement concrete, spread over 40000 Sq meters land. Not to forget 7500 sq meter of covered area specifically devoted to storage, this storage area that we’ve developed is prone to all the weather changes, and with its Granite flooring, the damage-security is assured, because there must be no compromises with the quality of product.
PURE QUARTZ GRANULES AND POWDER – We believe in mass production with consistent quality production Our single production line is capable to produce 1,08,000 Metric tons per annum OR 300 metric tons a day.
This makes VMPL the unique Quartz producer in India, as all the other productions in the country have multiple production lines with small capacity. Any average Indian Quartz plant takes ten production lines to meet the capacity of our production.
Due to our single production line, even the colour and particle-size of the product maintains uniformity. It is one unmatchable feature of VMPL when compared with other plants in India with multiple small capacity production lines.
PURE QUARTZ GRANULES AND POWDER - There are three production lines that are capable to produce 25,200 metric tons per annum OR 70 metric tons a day.
Feldspar Powder - We have two production lines for Feldspar Powder which are capable to produce 21,600 metric tons per annum OR 60 metric tons a day.
The machinery used in the site today is the combination of Indian, US, German and European equipments.
We have washing, gravity-based separation system along with In line camera sorting system that assures the uniformity of colour in the product, High power Roller Magnetic System that segregates all the metallic waste, Stone to stone crushing system that has proven to be the best in the market, and Auto Weighing and Bagging system that makes sure that each packet is identical.
At VMPL, we assure strict quality control in the three vital phases that sum-up all the process before the product is ready for sale. We make sure to deliver the best and improvise what’s best all the time!
The raw material collected from various mines doesn’t go under production without the primary testing.
The raw quartz is tested by HCL and non-reactivity of it is confirmed
Apart from the advanced stone-to-stone crushing system, the particle size distribution is done by Retsch, Germany; the most advanced equipment in present.
On top of it, various procedures are executed to secure the evenness of each particle in colour, shape and size. Moisture testing, colour testing as well as foreign particle, rubber, metal particle testing are to name a few.
The responsibility is not over with the production of clean, even-sized particles. We look after our ready-to-pack product with equal sincerity. The confined storage area with granite flooring and auto-bagging system adds into the perfection in quality control.
We believe that perfection is not a state, but a constant process. And that’s why we keep mastering in the art of perfection through various research processes all the time.
At VMPL, each particle of quartz is like a precious gem to us.
With such advanced machinery, we assure that there’s lowest amount of waste of minerals during production. After all, it’s mother earth that our lives are dependent on; this is the least we can do!
Also, we understand that water is the elixir of life; we make the usage of minimal water compared to any mineral plant out there.
And we make sure that the health of our humble workers is not harmed looking after these precious gems. Silicosis is a very common disease amongst the workers in mineral plants. It is a lung-damaging disease that occurs due to the inhalation of dust containing silica.
Through endless process of R&D, slowly and gradually we have eliminated all the traditional and harmful equipments and made the entire processing unit completely dust-free.
Our fully automated plants were founded after putting a lot of time in research. Huge amount of time was invested in research trips. This is how we assure pristine quality and firm stand on Global market.